Bearded vulture in corsica: context

Towards a living Corsican mountain...

This species in Corsica

The bearded vulture being a strictly scavenger bird of prey, situated at the top of the food chain, the decline of this species in Corsica is partly the consequence of a mountain where life is progressively disappearing. The bearded vulture is an unfortunate witness of the modifications of the Corsican mountain during the XXe and the beginning of the 21st centurye century. Only concrete actions with the aim of returning to a living mountain can contribute to the long-term preservation of the lammergeier.

Food resources

In order to compensate for the decline in food resources, the PNRC has for a long time been carrying out "artificial" feeding locally for this bird of prey. This action helps the survival of the bearded vulture in Corsica and also aims to increase reproduction. All these efforts will be in vain if at the same time the ungulates do not develop further in the Corsican mountains.

  • to promote the expansion of wild ungulate populations through the creation of new nuclei. In the case of the bearded vulture, the development of the mouflon is essential.
  • promote the development of pastoralism in the mountains. In the case of the lammergeier, small ruminants (sheep and goats) are to be favoured.

The objective

The anthropisation of the Corsican mountains is lower than in other European massifs, but it tends to develop. The aim is to reconcile socio-economic development and environmental preservation as well as possible. This approach based on the exchange of knowledge and practices, already undertaken on certain Natura 2000 sites in Corsica, has shown that it can be effective and lead to positive spin-offs for the various actors in the Corsican mountains. Targeted communication and awareness-raising on these issues and actions are also necessary.